Solo Flute Memorial Reception Music in Cherry Hills Village


This past week I had the pleasure of playing solo flute for a memorial reception in Cherry Hills Village. The service was held at a beautiful private residence, and the high ceilings and openness of the house had wonderful acoustics for my flute. I played a mix of classical, jazz, and popular music and was also asked to add in a number of traditional Hawaiian tunes to honor the deceased's love of all things Hawaiian. I played about 60 different songs over the course of about three hours and it was wonderful way to spend the afternoon.

Some of the pieces I played included Romanza from Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart), Waltz Op. 69 #2 (Chopin), Adagio from the Flute Quartet in D Major (Mozart), One the Wings of Song (Mendelssohn), Moon River, As Time Goes By, Fly Me to the Moon, (Everything I Do) I Do it For You, Misty, and What a Wonderful World. The Hawaiian selections included Dear Old Honolulu, Aloha 'Oe (Farewell to Thee), My Waikiki Mermaid, Halona (Beautiful Mountain), and Kawaihau (Hawaiian Rag-time).

One World Singers Presents "Christmas in Provence"

I am playing my flute this December in "Christmas in Provence", a production by One World Singers and Alliance Française de Denver. Join us for a festive celebration in music and the French culture! Here are the details:


Christmas in Provence In collaboration with Alliance Française de Denver December 6, 2014, 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. Park Hill United Church of Christ, 26th & Leyden, Denver Tickets: $15 each

Begin your holiday season with a delightful and stirring musical experience, featuring the music of the French countryside! In collaboration with the Alliance Française de Denver, One World Singers presents Marc-Antoine Charpentier's Messe de Minuit pour Noël (Midnight Mass for Christmas) as well as best-loved carols in both French and English. Delicacies of the Provence region will be enjoyed following the concert.

We hope to see you on December 6 for a joyeuses fêtes!

Flute and Guitar Duo Wedding Ceremony Music at the YMCA in Estes Park


Our flute and guitar duo recently played for a beautiful October wedding ceremony at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado. It was an absolutely gorgeous morning with gusty winds that challenged our ability to secure our sheet music and supplies. However, with many clips for our music and heavy rocks to hold down our music stands, we kept everything secure for the duration of our performance. By keeping the wind directly to my back, I was also able to get a good sound out of my flute. The ceremony was held outdoors at the Sara Smith Chapel which was a lovely location with a wild Colorado mountain feel. We played classical prelude music that the bride let us select and then a classical processional that I helped the bride select. During the ceremony, a small choir sang an incredible version of "Be Thou My Vision" and I felt honored to hear their talented performance in such an amazing setting. They sang this while the couple performed a foot washing ceremony, symbolizing the the servant-hood of marriage in comparison to Christ and the church. Then, because both the bride and groom are scientists, they did a small science experiment that they made up to represent marriage and the blending of two lives together. While they did that, we played Simple Gifts.

Selected Prelude Music:
Musette (Bach), Gavotte (Gossec), Polonaise (Mozart), Little Italian Song (Tchaikovsky), Valse Sentimentale (Schubert)

Wedding Ceremony Music:
Bridal Party (Grandmothers, Mothers, Bridesmaids, Flower Girl) ~ Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Bride ~ Gavotte from Sonata for Flute in C major (Handel)
Unity Ceremony ~ Simple Gifts
Recessional ~ Trumpet Tune (Purcell)
Postlude ~ Hornpipe from Water Music (Handel), Gymnopedie No. 1 (Satie)

Venue: YMCA of the Rockies - Estes Park
Photographer: Katie Keighin Photography
Wedding Ceremony Musicians - Flute and Strings by Christen Stephens - Flute and Guitar Duo


Solo Flute - Wedding Ceremony Music at Della Terra Mountain Chateau in Estes Park


Outdoor autumn wedding ceremonies can be tricky in the Colorado mountains because the weather can be anything from warm and sunny to freezing cold and snowing. This bride hoped for the best with her early October wedding ceremony, but was also ready to brave the worst. It was clear to see why she wanted an outdoor wedding ceremony at Della Terra Chateau in Estes Park. The chateau is beautifully situated in the mountains and gives the feel of majestic isolation that is pure Colorado. The grounds feature garden areas and small ponds and bridges that blend well into the wild Colorado landscape. Wildlife abounded and I saw several elk, wild turkeys, and many birds and chipmunks. Inside, the chateau was built to reflect the classic European charm of years gone by. I had no idea what to expect from the weather as I drove up the fog-shrouded mountains. The forecast was calling for thunderstorms and even snow later in the evening. When I arrived at Della Terra, it was cold and cloudy and I set up under a small musician pavilion to protect my flute from the drizzling rain.

The bride chose solo flute music for her wedding ceremony, and I played elegant music on my flute as the handful of guests began arriving. As the guests arrived, the cold rain began to fall in earnest and umbrellas were quickly supplied to the guests and they wrapped themselves in the warm blankets that had been provided. I chose cheerful spring-like music to give the atmosphere a feeling of warmth, and one of the guests later told me that my music was the perfect balm for the cold, dark weather. The processional began, and just as the bride reached the front, the sun came out and the rain abated just long enough for a beautiful ceremony to take place.

Selected Wedding Prelude Music:
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach), Danza Pastorale (Vivaldi), Spring (Vivaldi), Hornpipe (Purcell), The Swan (Saint Seans), Minuetto (Mozart)

Wedding Ceremony Music:
Wedding Party ~ Trumpet Voluntary
Bride ~ Trumpet Tune
Recessional ~ Bourree from Handel's Water Music
Postlude ~ Hornpipe from Handel's Water Music and Chopin's Waltz, Op. 69 No. 2

Wedding Vendors
Wedding Venue: Della Terra Mountain Chateau
Officiant: Reverend Simone Shepherd
Ceremony Musician: Flute and Strings by Christen Stephens - Solo Flute


The view behind the ceremony site

Flute and Cello Duo at Piney River Ranch in Vail, CO


In August, our flute and cello duo headed up to Piney River Ranch in Vail to play for a wedding ceremony and cocktail hour. After a string of cold and rainy days, the sun finally came out at this incredible mountain location and made for a beautiful wedding day. Once we arrived in Vail, we followed a long set of directions through White River National Forest. The 45 minute drive brought us over very rutted roads and was very challenging in our Prius. Since the going was slow, we embraced the moment and rolled down our windows to enjoy the peaceful quite and the spectacular scenery. We arrived at the lodge in time to enjoy a meal at the Piney restaurant. I ordered their signature pulled pork BBQ, which was exceptional, and having lived in North Carolina for a while, I can be picky about my BBQ! We also had time to take photos of the lake and of the resident moose, Monty Jr.

The bride knew what she wanted for music, and she chose most of the prelude music and all of the ceremony music on her own with the aid of my repertoire list. She requested that we fill out her prelude selections with music from movies with big scenery to compliment the lake and mountain backdrop. I really enjoyed making these music selections and it was wonderful to play them in a location that perfectly complimented them.

One of the best moments of the wedding ceremony was when Monty the moose walked through the water right behind the couple! The pastor had been talking about living in the moment and not letting life slip by us unnoticed. The reactions of the guests was wonderful as the ceremony paused and we all took some time to embrace that wonderful moment.

For the cocktail hour, the bride requested Beatles, Sinatra, and jazz styles. Our flute and cello duo mostly plays classical music, but I was eager for the challenge and after looking through my extensive music library, I found a number of popular and jazz pieces that would work wonderfully with the flute and cello.


Wedding Ceremony Music:
Mothers, Groom, Pastor, Groomsmen ~ Haunted by the Waters from A River Runs Through It
Bridesmaids ~ All I Ask of You Bride ~ Canon in D (Pachelbel)
Recessional ~ La Rejouissance from Handel's Water Music
Postlude ~ Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (Handel)

Selected Prelude Music:
The Sound of Music, To a Wild Rose (MacDowell), Largo from Winter (Handel), The Wedding and the Ludlows from Legends of the Fall, Clair De Lune (Debussy), Si Bheag, Si Mhor (Irish Traditional), Moon River , from Breakfast at Tiffany's, What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)

Selected Cocktail Hour Music: 
Imagine (Beatles), When I'm Sixty Four (Beatles), A Whole New World, I Want to Hold Your Hand (Beatles), Can You Feel the Love Tonight?, Blue Spanish Eyes, All of Me, My Funny Valentine, Blackbird (Beatles), Misty

Christen and Heather playing at Piney River Ranch, courtesy of Zach Mahone Photography

Wedding Vendors:
Wedding Venue: Piney River Ranch, Vail
Wedding Coordinator: Meg Stepanek of Gemini Event Planning
Photographer: Zach Mahone Photography
Wedding Ceremony and Cocktail Hour Musicians: Flute and Strings by Christen Stephens - Flute and Cello Duo


Flute and Piano Duo at Lord of the Mountains Lutheran Church in Dillon


This summer, our flute and piano duo enjoyed playing for this beautiful wedding ceremony at Lord of the Mountains Lutheran Church in Dillon, Colorado. This bride loves sunshine and has a sunny personality to match, so she chose the appropriate "Sunshine on my Shoulders" to walk down the aisle to. The church was situated on a hill overlooking a panoramic mountain view, and the weather was perfect and sunny. The piano in the church sanctuary was a very fine instrument with an amazing sound that we enjoyed. The bride told her family and friends that there would be music and everyone was so excited to hear the music that they all arrived 45 minutes before the ceremony, so we began our prelude early and gave them a little concert of hymns and sacred songs.

Selected Prelude Music:
Sunshine in My Soul, One Eagle's Wings, Great is Thy Faithfulness, How Great Thou Art, Your Grace Still Amazes Me, All Creatures of Our God and King, As the Deer

Wedding Ceremony Music:
Processional ~ Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Bride ~ Sunshine on my Shoulders (John Denver)
Unity Candle ~ Be Thou my Vision
Recessional ~ Wedding March (Mendelssohn)

Photographer: Studio Kiva - Thank you for the photo of me playing the flute and the photos of the dancing bride!
Ceremony Musicians: Flute and Strings by Christen Stephens - Flute and Piano Duo


Flute and Cello Duo - Live Music for American Cancer Society Fundraiser


Recently, our flute and cello duo provided live music for an American Cancer Society Fundraiser at the Galleria of Stone in Denver. We played for two hours at this elegant event which featured a large selection of wine, delicious appetizers, and a silent auction. Guests were greeted by the beautiful harp music of Star Edwards on their way in, and then enjoyed our flute and cello duo during the reception. We began by playing classical music for the first hour and then we transitioned to popular and jazz music during the second hour. The guests particularly enjoyed a couple of the Beatles songs that we played and told us they had never heard the Beatles played by the flute and cello before.

Selected Reception Music:
Anglaise (JCF Bach), Gigue from Suite #3 in D Major (Bach), Allegro from Sonata in F Major for Flute (Handel), Fugue from Fugue in B minor (Handel), Prelude Op. 28 #7 for piano (Chopin), Sonatina Op.36 #1 for piano (Clementi), To a Wild Rose (MacDowell), Minuetto Scherzando from Toccata #4 (Scarlatti), Roses From the South (Johann Strauss Jr.), All of Me (Jazz Cover), Blackbird (Beatles), Blue Spanish Eyes, Imagine (Beatles), I Want to Hold Your Hand (Beatles), Misty (Jazz Cover), Moon River from Breakfast at Tiffany's, What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong), When I'm Sixty-Four (Beatles), Imagine (Beatles

Flute and String Trio - Wedding Ceremony and Cockail Hour Music at Silverthorne Pavillion


It's always nice to travel from the hot summer weather of Colorado's front range to the mountains, and this time our destination was the town of Silverthorne, where it was a sunny 70 degrees. This wedding was held at the Silverthorne Pavilion which is located by the banks of the Blue River. Our flute, viola, and cello trio played classical prelude music and then traditional wedding processional music that the bride and groom selected together. The wedding ceremony was very sweet and as the couple said the vows they had written for each other, we tried to hold back our tears. Sometimes it doesn't make a difference how many weddings we have played for - each one is beautiful and unique! After the ceremony, we moved to the shaded patio where we played a mix of classical and popular music as the guests enjoyed appetizers and drinks. The bride and groom had several song requests for their cocktail hour music and I put together the remainder of our set list using those songs as my inspiration.

Wedding Ceremony Music:
Wedding Party ~ Canon in D (Pachelbel)
Bride ~ Bridal Chorus (Wagner)
Recessional ~ Wedding March from a Midsummer Night's Dream (Mendelssohn)

Selected Wedding Prelude Music:
Largo from Winter (Vivaldi), Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach), Selections from Handel's Water Music, Allegro from Sonata in F major (Handel)

Selected Cocktail Hour Music:
Italian Song (Tschaikovsky), Ecossaise (Beethoven), What a Wonderful World, Over the Rainbow, All You Need is Love, Romantic Flight from How to Train Your Dragon, Imagine, Anything Goes (Cole Porter)

Wedding Vendors:
Wedding Venue: Silverthorne Pavilion
Wedding Coordinator and Photographer: Laura Pierson at L Elizabeth Events
Wedding Ceremony and Cocktail Music: Flute and Strings by Christen Stephens - Flute Trio (flute, viola, cello)

Boulder Symphony Orchestra Autumn 2014 Concerts

I am a cellist with the Boulder Symphony Orchestra and I would like to invite you to join us for our upcoming concerts. Go to to learn more and purchase tickets.

PASSIONATE COLLISIONS Saturday, September 20th at 7:00pm

Toku Kawata - Piano

Sibelius’s First Symphony along with Russian great, Sergei Rachmaninoff’s most beloved piano concert, featuring CU’s Toku Kawata making his symphonic debut in Boulder.

Program: Symphony #1 by Jean Sibelius Piano Concerto #2 by Sergei Rachmaninoff What Trees May Speak (World Premiere) by Jonathan Sokol


Join us for our annual Halloween Family Concert, solve the mystery, enter into a Costume Contest (winner conducts the orchestra) and Trick-or-Treat Boulder-style. Also engage in an Instrumental Petting Zoo.

Program: Enigma Variations by Edward Elgar Coriolan Overture by Ludwig Van Beethoven

MYSTERY OF THE ENGIMA Saturday, October 25th at 7:00pm

Devon Howard, Organ

English composer Edward Elgar took the solution to his mysterious Enigma to his grave. Solve the code along with the Boulder Symphony; we’re also joined by organist Devon Howard.

Program: Enigma Variations by Edward Elgar Coriolan Overture by Ludwig Van Beethoven Prelude and Fugue in G Minor by Johannes Brahms

OUT OF THE DARKNESS Saturday, November 22nd at 7:00pm

The Fourth Symphony is one of Beethoven’s happiest and freshest works composed at time when the composer was at one of the darkest places in his life. A testament of music’s power to soothe the soul.

Program: Symphony No. 4 by Ludwig Van Beethoven

Announcing New Music Samples From Our Flute and Piano Duo


I'm excited to announce that new music samples of our flute and piano duo are now available for listening on my website! Listen to them here on my flute and piano duo page. I made these recordings accompanied by talented piano/keyboard player, Adam Revell. Our versatile duo can play classical music for your traditional wedding ceremony and then play popular, rock, and jazz for your cocktail hour or wedding reception. We also love playing for parties and feature classical music for elegant formal gatherings to upbeat rock and jazz selections for parties and events.

Speranza - An American Cancer Society Benefit

On Saturday, September 13, 2014 our flute and cello duo will be playing at the Galleria of Stone for this American Cancer Society Benefit. Tickets are still available so purchase yours today and enjoy some good food, wine, and music while supporting a good cause!

Announcing New Flute and Violin Duo Music Samples

Thanks to Brian Hunter at the Sawtelle Recording Studio in Denver, I'm excited to announce that we now have professionally recorded flute and violin music samples! Take a moment to listen to them on my Flute and Violin Duo page. Our flute and violin duo will add classic elegance to your wedding ceremony or event. Both instruments have a sound that carries well both indoors and outdoors and we don't take up much space! This duo works best with classical music, but we also enjoy playing your own special requests of any kind.

Flute and Guitar Duo Wedding Ceremony Music in Breckenridge


This weekend, I played flute for a wedding ceremony in an incredibly beautiful location. The ceremony was held on the lawn of a private residence in an idyllic mountain setting above the town of Breckenridge. The landscaping was gorgeous and flowers spilled from every corner and lined the garden paths, framing the mountain backdrop. Storms began to move in, giving the mountains and sky a dramatic and eerie look, and thunder began to rumble and echo around the mountains. Because of the coming rain, the decision was made to begin the ceremony 15 minutes earlier than originally planned. Our flute and guitar duo welcomed the guests with classical prelude music and then began playing the processional music. Just as the bride began her walk down the aisle, the sun came out and stayed out for most of the ceremony, even as the thunder continued to rumble in the distance. The storm held off just long enough for the beautiful wedding ceremony to finish and for the photographers to get some great shots afterwards. Thank you Steve Tinetti for sharing these beautiful photos!

After the ceremony, I was invited to stay for the cocktail hour, so I drove to Breckenridge Lodge and Spa where I had a few refreshments and enjoyed watching the storms move in over the mountains as I got to know few of the guests.

Wedding Ceremony Music:
Parents and Attendants Processional ~ Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (JS Bach)
Bridal Processional ~ Canon in D (Pachelbel)
Recessional ~ Wedding March from a Midsummer Night's Dream (Mendelssohn)

Prelude Music:
Classical selections from Bach and Telemann

Wedding Vendors:
Photographer: Steve Tinetti Photography - Thank you Steve for these wonderful pictures!
Wedding Ceremony Music - Flute and Strings by Christen Stephens - Flute and Guitar Duo


Pachelbel's Canon in D - Wedding Ceremony Music


Canon in D is a beloved wedding song and perhaps most requested by brides today, and for good reason. It is beautiful and elegant, and can be played with a number of different instruments. It was originally written by German composer and organist, Johann Pachelbel during the Baroque period. He wrote it as a Canon which doesn't refer to the weapon that was used in battle, but a round. Canon in D begins with a simple bass line that is carried throughout the piece while the melody voices are layered in one by one, each one imitating the first voice. It was originally written for three violins and continuo, but today we play it with just about every instrument combination available. If you love Pachelbel's Canon in D and would like us to play it at your wedding ceremony, visit my weddings page for more information on our services.

Helpful hints if you want Pachelbel's Canon in D played at your wedding ceremony:

- For brides who want to walk down the aisle to Canon in D, I suggest that you wait for the song to play for a few seconds before beginning your walk and then take your time and enjoy the moment. The Canon starts with a solo cello and slowly then unfurls like a rosebud until it reaches its full glory over a minute into the song.

- If you want to have Canon played for your wedding party instead, it is certain to be long enough even if you have a lot of attendants. The entire song is about 5 minutes long and is easy to repeat if necessary.

- Pachelbel's Canon can be played with many instrument combinations. We can play it with every ensemble I offer. I particularly like Pachelbel's Canon played with a flute quartet (flute, violin, viola, cello), string quartet, flute and guitar, or flute and harp.

Here is the original version of Canon in D played on original instruments from the time of Pachelbel:

A Concert for Kati - a Collaboration Concert

Recently, we held our second annual Boulder Cello Project, Cello Expressions, and Chase the Music collaboration concert to enrich the life of a nominated child with a special need. The Boulder Cello Project practiced and prepared for this concert for many months and Nick Halsey of Cello Expressions arranged some of the child's favorite songs, plus a special arrangement just for her entitled "Kati's Run". The concert was held at eTown Concert Hall, and since Kati's favorite color is purple, we all wore purple shirts with purple flowers for the ladies' hair, and the room was lit with fun colored lights including - yes, purple lights! It was a magical time of music and getting to know and meet Kati and her family. I played flute and cello for the concert.

Here are some videos - I'm on the flute:

Flute and String Trio at the Lodge at Cordillera in Edwards, CO


Recently, we enjoyed spectacular views from the Lodge and Spa at Cordillera in Edwards, Colorado. This very busy bride asked us to select her wedding ceremony music for her, and we took care of everything so she could focus on getting married. With severe thunderstorms the previous day, everything had to be moved indoors, and rain continued to threaten on the wedding day. However, the following afternoon the sun came out and the bride had her beautiful outdoor wedding after all. Our trio serenaded the guests with classical music as they came to their seats and then we played for the ceremony. Afterwards, we moved down to the pool area where we played classical music for the cocktail hour.

Wedding Ceremony Music:
Bridesmaids and Flower Girl ~ Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Bridal
Processional ~ Sheep May Safely Graze
Recessional ~ La Rejouissance from Handel's Water Music

Selected Prelude and Cocktail Hour Music:
Selections from “Water Music” (Handel), Spring (Vivaldi), Ecossaise (Beethoven), Papageno's Aria from the Magic Flute (Mozart), Salzburger Menuette (Mozart), Gavotte (Gossec), Gigue (J.S. Bach)

Wedding Vendors:
Wedding Venue: The Lodge and Spa at Cordillera
Wedding Coordinator: Valerie Woodbury
Ceremony Musicians: Flute and Strings by Christen Stephens - Flute Trio


String Trio Wedding Ceremony Music on Top of a Mountain


This summer, I had a once in a lifetime experience playing wedding music - in the middle of nowhere on top of a mountain! The bride and groom had an intimate outdoor wedding ceremony on family land, with only about 20 guests in attendance. The ceremony site was by their small vacation cabin and had views of rolling hills, green from the spring rain, and a panorama of snow-capped mountain peaks as a backdrop. The couple told us to bring a four wheel drive vehicle and I'm glad we did! It was quite a drive up the rutted and rocky mountain road, from the small town of Eagle, through the middle of nowhere, past the mansion of a Spanish ambassador and even higher up the mountain until we reached a point of land with a small cabin and an amazing view. The couple chose a string trio for their wedding music, and I played the cello. We serenaded everyone with a classical prelude, processional music, and finally postlude music while pictures were being taken. Our classical music contrasted with the wild and beautiful outdoor setting, and brought a sense of elegance and sophistication.

After the wedding, we were kindly invited to eat a catered lunch with the family. They were so friendly and we felt like part of their family. We learned about the land's history and heard stories about the family's relatives who settled and ranched there a long time ago.

Wedding Ceremony Music:
Bridal Processional ~ Canon in D (Pachelbel)
Recessional ~ Finale from Handel's Water Music

Selected Prelude and Postlude Music
Selections from "Spring" (Vivaldi), Selections from "Water Music" (Handel), Italian Song (Tchaikovsky), Arioso (Bach), Ode to Joy (Beethoven), The Toy Symphony (Haydn)

Wedding Vendors:
Photographer: April O'Hare Photography - thank you April for these beautiful photos!
Wedding Ceremony Musicians: Flute and Strings by Christen Stephens - String Trio


Flute and Piano Reception Music at the 10th Restaurant in Vail


This past Saturday was truly a remarkable experience and I was privileged to be invited to play my flute for the memorial service and reception honoring Jim Vincent. The weather was perfect for the service, which took place in Vail Memorial Park in an idyllic mountain setting. We were surrounded by mountains, tall pines, and large boulders with a bubbling river winding through the woods nearby. When I arrived at the memorial site, I had the pleasure of once again seeing Pastor Tim Wilbanks, who later did a wonderful job presiding over the ceremony. I played classical music on solo flute for the prelude and after Pastor Wilbanks gave a welcome speech, I honored Jim Vincent by playing one of his favorite songs, "I Just Called to Say I Love You" (Stevie Wonder). At the end of the service, I played "My Way", a song that Jim Vincent personally requested be played at his memorial service. I really enjoyed the service as various family members and friends stood up and told both humorous and nostalgic stories about Jim Vincent. By the end of the service I really felt like I personally knew Jim.

Afterwards, we all left for the 10th Restaurant in Vail. I drove to Vail Village and took the gondola up to the restaurant. This was my first time up a gondola, and I really enjoyed the ride and the view of Vail Village and the surrounding mountains. When we arrived at the restaurant, Adam Revell was already entertaining the guests with some light jazz on his keyboard. I joined him on my flute and we played a number of popular and jazz selections for the elegant three-hour reception. I was given great freedom with the music selections and I aimed to create a nostalgic and sometimes upbeat mood. The guests really enjoyed the music and I even spied a few of them dancing as they walked by.

Selected Reception Music:
Cheek to Cheek (Sinatra), Georgia on My Mind (Ray Charles), Blackbird (Beatles), Unchained Melody (Alex North), Annie's Song (John Denver), Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (Jerome Kern), Let it Be (Beatles), Autumn Leaves, I Will Remember You (Sarah McLachlan), Longer Than (Dan Fogleberg), Everything I Do (I do it for You) from Robin Hood, Fly me to the Moon, Annie's Song (John Denver)

Views from the gondola ride:


Vail Village:

Flute and String Quartet Wedding Music at St. Thomas More Church and Castle Cliff Estates


This weekend I played flute for a gorgeous Catholic wedding ceremony and reception. Our flute and string quartet played Irish, classical, and sacred music for the prelude to this wedding ceremony, which was held at St. Thomas More church in Centennial. The church was modern, but very elegant with vibrant stained glass windows, and lovely wood and stone work. The ceremony was not a full mass, but there was a short sermon and a number of lovely Biblical readings.

After the ceremony, we drove to Castle Cliff Estates where we played classical and Irish music for the reception. Castle Cliff Estates had an elegant classic feel with large windows overlooking the vibrant gardens and water feature in the back. The bride's choice of flowers and decorations, our musical accompaniment, and a roaring fire in the fireplace perfectly complimented our opulent surroundings and cheered up the cold and rainy day.

Wedding Ceremony Music:
Family Processional ~ Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J S Bach)
Processional ~ Canon in D (Pachelbel)
Bridal Processional ~ Bridal Chorus (Wagner)
Unity Candle: Winter from the Four Seasons (Vivaldi)
Recessional ~ Wedding March from Midsummer Night's Dream (Mendelssohn)

Selected Reception Music: An Irish Blessing (traditional), Last Rose of Summer (traditional), Psalm 19 (Marcello), selections from Water Music Suite (Handel), Palladio


Flute and String Quartet Wedding Ceremony Music at Vail Chapel and Sonnenalp Resort


I just enjoyed a wonderful music-filled weekend highlighted by playing wedding ceremony and cocktail hour music for a wedding in Vail. It was a gorgeous day for a wedding! Our performance began at Vail Interfaith Chapel where our quartet played a half hour as the guests arrived, and then for the wedding ceremony. After that we moved across the street to the elegant Sonnenalp Resort where we played popular and rock music for the cocktail hour. I played this wedding with the Ribbons and Strings Ensemble (notice the ribbons on our instruments!)

Wedding Ceremony Music:

Processional Music ~ Speed of Sound (Coldplay)

Bridal Processional ~ Canon in D (Pachelbel)

During the Ceremony ~ (Everything I do) I Do It For You from Robin Hood

Recessional Music ~ I'm Yours (Mraz)

Selected Cocktail Hour Music ~ Clocks (Coldplay), It's a Wonderful World, Blackbird (Beatles), Tango from Scent of a Woman, All You Need is Love (Beatles)
