The 2012 National Flute Association Convention - Las Vegas, NV


This past week, I attended this year’s National Flute Association conference held in Las Vegas, NV. The weather was extremely hot with highs ranging from 106 – 110 degrees F, so I was happy to spend most of my time inside the massive (and air-conditioned) Caesar’s Palace.

This year I played with the Professional Flute Choir in a concert featuring the two winning songs from the Flute Choir Composition Competition, Alberto Guidobaldi’s “Tarantella for 12 Flutes”, and David Gunn’s “The Fifth Universal Principle of Alignment”. Peter Sheridan, bass flute extraordinaire, supported our flute choir with the rich low sounds of his various bass flutes. He also did an amazing job playing “Nuestro Pueblo”, a piece that highlights three different bass flutes and includes some wonderful improvisatory sections.

I also attended various concerts, masterclasses and instructional classes during the convention. Perhaps one of the most interesting classes was the one on circular breathing, a technique I have been interested in learning for a long time but never had the opportunity. With a great sense of humor, Robert Dick gave us step by step instructions on how to achieve circular breathing, along with several impressive and fun demonstrations of his own circular breathing.

Another class I really enjoyed was taught by Phyllis Avidan Louke, who delved into the details of teaching beginning flute students. It was refreshing to learn new ways to explain the very basics of flute playing, and I learned a number of cute ways to help children learn and remember new concepts and techniques.

This was also the first year I was able to attend the closing ceremonies, entitled “All the Things You Are”. The event featured a variety of musical styles ranging from Celtic to rock music, serious classical pieces to some lighthearted and humorous numbers - all featuring the flute. The final performance was ”Bumble Boogie”, a fun and very fast piece performed by four amazing soloists accompanied by our professional flute choir.

Professional Flute Choir Concerts, Las Vegas, NV

I have been chosen in competition to be a member of the 2012 Professional Flute Choir, and will be performing in concert with other flutists from across the nation at this year’s National Flute Association Convention in Las Vegas, NV. If you are attending the convention, or live in Las Vegas, this is a chance to hear a one of a kind concert of challenging music. We will play at the Pompeian Ballroom in Ceasars Palace on Saturday, August 11th at 10:00am and for the closing ceremonies at the Augustus Ballroom in Ceasars Palace on Saturday, August 11th at 4:00pm.

Mementos from my Musical Journey

Newspaper article featuring Bob Dole's address to Wingate University Grads, Wingate, North Carolina
Newspaper article featuring Bob Dole's address to Wingate University Grads, Wingate, North Carolina

A few days ago I was digging through my "memory box" and came across various newspaper clippings and other similar items that reminded me of past musical experiences. I hope you enjoy looking at these mementos from my musical journey.

I was in middle school when I had the privilege of playing for the 1995

Wingate University

 Commencement, with Bob Dole as guest speaker. I played flute along with the Wingate Symphonic Band, of which I had been a member for a year.

Spring Lecture Series Program from Wingate University featuring an address by Madeleine Albright in Wingate, North Carolina
Spring Lecture Series Program from Wingate University featuring an address by Madeleine Albright in Wingate, North Carolina

Here is the program and ticket for another concert that I played with the Wingate Symphonic Band. This time Madeleine Albright gave the address.

Spring Lecture Series Ticket from Wingate University featuring an address by Madeleine Albright in Wingate, North Carolina
Spring Lecture Series Ticket from Wingate University featuring an address by Madeleine Albright in Wingate, North Carolina

This is an article written about a concert given by the Charlotte Flute Choir in honor one of my former flute teachers, Irene Maddox. Her husband was the director of the flute choir until he passed away a few years later. I played in the Charlotte Flute Choir for six years, but only had the advantage of being Irene's student for a few months before she passed away.

Newspaper article featuring concert given by the Charlotte Flute Choir honoring the passing of Irene Maddox
Newspaper article featuring concert given by the Charlotte Flute Choir honoring the passing of Irene Maddox
Newspaper article featuring concert given by the Charlotte Flute Choir honoring the passing of Irene Maddox
Newspaper article featuring concert given by the Charlotte Flute Choir honoring the passing of Irene Maddox

This is the summer 2002 edition of the Flutist Quarterly featuring my flute teacher of six years, Mark Thomas. The Flutist Quarterly is the official magazine of the National Flute Association, which was founded by Mark Thomas. Mr. Thomas was kind enough to sign my copy of the magazine.

Summer 2002 Edition of the Flutist Quarterly featuring founder of the National Flute Association, Mark Thomas
Summer 2002 Edition of the Flutist Quarterly featuring founder of the National Flute Association, Mark Thomas
Article from newspaper featuring 2004 campaign ball given by Sue Myrick
Article from newspaper featuring 2004 campaign ball given by Sue Myrick

Left: This is an article about Sue Myrick's 2004 campaign ball, and if you look for the star, you will see our flute and harp duo, "Jubal" mentioned.

Below: This is a page from "Skirt!" magazine featuring my music business.

Article from Skirt! Magazine featuring Christen Neumann Stephens
Article from Skirt! Magazine featuring Christen Neumann Stephens

The National Flute Association (NFA) Convention comes to Las Vegas, Nevada

Whether you are flute player or a flute enthusiast, start planning now to attend the 2012 NFA Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada from August 9th - 12th. The NFA consists of over 6,000 members from over 50 countries and is the largest flute organization in the world. Come to learn and watch or enter one of the competitions including solo, flute choir, masterclasses, and non-performance competitions. I am looking forward to attending this convention and also seeing Vegas for the first time! Visit the National Flute Association website if you would like more information.

The National Flute Association Convention in Charlotte, NC

Just before I headed out to my new home in Colorado, I attended the National Flute Association’s annual convention, held in Charlotte, NC this year.

I attended numerous masterclasses and competitions,  and a number of educational classes that featured topics ranging from correct breathing to beginning lessons on a Baroque flute. I was particularly inspired by William Westney’s class “How can a wrong note be perfect”.  His premise is that music should be fun, but the way we tend to teach music leads students to aspire for perfection  rather than playing their instrument with life and expression.  At the exhibits, I got to try out different flutes including Celtic flutes, Chinese flutes, and contrabass flutes.

I also saw a number of concerts including several flute and cello concerts, a French music concert, and a concert given by the Charlotte Symphony Flutists that used fascinating modern techniques to create unique sounds. One of my favorite concerts was Trevor Wye’s “50 Variations on the Carnival of Venice for 60 flutes and piano”  where he showed us how to make a flute out of a carrot, played a flute made out of a human bone, and played on his own creations that lit up in humorous ways as he played.

The day following the convention, I attended an inspiring masterclass  given by Jean Ferrandis, who focused on playing the flute with a relaxed and natural posture as if you were saying “hello” to a friend. The convention was inspiring and refreshing and I’m glad I took time to attend even though I was busy with the move.